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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 4, 2017

Video Ads Player with Google IMA, VAST/VPAID - Nulled Download

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This is a premium wordpress plugin that fully supports Tags from: (1) Google Adsense for Video with Google Interactive Media Ads (IMA), including Preroll, Postroll, Banner and Text; (2) Video Ad Networks, including Double Click Publishers with VAST 2.0/3.0 and VPAID Rich Media Interactive Tags; (3) Add Any HTML Overlay over your video, including buy buttons, optin forms, banners, WP Shortcode, and more. Special Features include Facebook Retargeting, Dimmer Lightbox Effect, and Timer Countdowns in Video included. Click to download  Video Ads Player with Google IMA, VAST/VPAID

Peter McKinnon LUTS Pack Download

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You asked for it, so here it is! I have put together 7 of my own LUTS that I use when editing my footage, my b roll and YouTube Videos. What is a LUT? Simply put, think of it like a filter for your video footage. You apply a LUT to one of your clips and the data inside that LUT immediately colour corrects your footage to look a certain way. Click to Download Peter McKinnon LUTS Pack